The Yanai Initiative is a partnership between Waseda University in Tokyo and UCLA that aims to
preserve Japanese humanities for future generations. We designed and built a bilingual site that
draws influence from Japanese printed matter and introduces a delicate level of playful
Design: Maxine Tsang
Creative Direction: Kate Fabrizio & Nic Sanchez
Development: Jennifer Hail, Ryan Gordan, Jep Alaba
Strategy: Ryan Daniels & Justin Alters
Management: Shawna Mashian
Company: Use All Five
Live site: yanai-initiative.ucla.edu

Blomb is a line of eau de parfum fragrances. I created this brand and packaging with my client's goal in mind:
to appeal to young consumers and jump off the shelf. The product is now in stores ranging from
boutiques to major retailers.
Art Direction & Design: Maxine Tsang
Copy: Sarah Hartigan
Client: Cereus Product Development
Live site: blombfragrance.com
Instagram: @blomb.scents
Please note: Some product photography featured was shot by Free People and Urban Outfitters.

For the 2020 elections, Patagonia campaigned against the climate deniers who were running for
office. I helped design and produce the animatics for the digital assets.
Motion: Maxine Tsang
Art Direction: Stephen Rockwood
Creative Direction: John Goodwin
Company: Patagonia

For Google's Mountain View retail space, Google came to Use All Five for an interactive display
featuring Song Maker, a kid-friendly music creation tool. I redesigned the web app to be
life-sized touchscreen which included updating interactions, colors, and motion.
Art Direction & Design: Maxine Tsang
Motion Production: Dakota Hopkins
Management: Michelle Hodge
Development: Ryan Gordan & Boro Vukovic
Company: Use All Five
Live site: interactivedemo.withgoogle.com/songmaker

Emocean is an everyperson surf magazine that champions diverse perspectives. I helped create a
few spreads for Issue 06, and redesign and produce Emocean's emails and social media posts.
Design: Maxine Tsang
Creative Direction & Founder: Thembi Hanify
Editor in Chief & Co-founder: Mariah Ernst

With leftover fabric, the product design team at Patagonia created a small line of upcycled
goods. I was tasked to visualize the supporting campaign creative.
Design: Maxine Tsang
Art Direction: Taylor Cox
Copy: Mădălina Preda
Management: Sam Levy
Company: Patagonia

Refik Anadol is an internationally recognized digital artist. One of his upcoming projects is a
physical space dedicated to the work. With Pentagram's branding, we've been tasked with
designing the full digital marketing experience, from website to in-person device
Art Direction: Maxine Tsang & Andrew McQuistson
Design: Andrew McQuiston & Ben Kassum
Creative Direction: Kate Fabrizio
Management: Kara Grossman
Company: Use All Five
Live site: dataland.art

Creative concept for Libra Foundation, an Oakland-based philanthropy organization that funds
BIPOC-led movements working at the grassroots level.
Design: Maxine Tsang, Hunter Walls, Angela Baek
Creative Direction: Troy Curtis Zaretsky-Kreiner
Strategy: Ryan Daniels, Christine Jackson
Management: Shawana Mashian, Michelle Murphy
Company: Use All Five

Kemper Museum is a contemporary art museum with free admission in Kansas City. With Use All
Five, I redesigned their website and updated their brand guidelines.
Art Direction: Maxine Tsang
Design: Andrew McQuiston & Maxine Tsang
Creative Direction: Kate Fabrizio
Development: Jennifer Hail
Management: Kara Grossman
Company: Use All Five
Live site: kemperart.org

Lady Donli is a Nigerian alternative R&B, jazz, and Afrobeat singer and songwriter. Tola Records
and Lady Donli hired me to visualize her latest record, Enjoy Your Life, in vinyl
Design: Maxine Tsang
Client: Tola Records & Lady Donli

Grow with Google wanted to introduce a quiz to help users find courses that suited their needs.
We created this visual direction with them for an immersive, playful experience.
Design: Jacob Goodman
Art Direction: Maxine Tsang
Strategy: Ryan Daniels
Company: Use All Five

Each of the 30-something Patagonia stores receives an illustrated identity, in the form of a
sticker and patch. Because I grew up close to Palo Alto, I designed the store's brand.
Design: Maxine Tsang
Art Direction: Neil Hubert
Management: Danielle Egge
Company: Patagonia

I took a 10-week workshop through Type@Cooper learning the basics of type design while
developing a typeface. Nymph is a whimsical, unrefined font inspired by California's central
coast. For the accompaning specimen I created a zine.
Design: Maxine Tsang
Instructor: Troy Leinster
Course: Type@Cooper, Principles of Type Design